Thursday, November 01, 2007

The uneven-ness of me

I always knew that the left halves of our body is different from the right halves of our body. Which is why you're not really balanced on both sides.

Like how my right foot is slightly bigger than my left. And my right arm's bigger than left arm too, but thats cos I use my right arm's stronger than my left. Me being right handed and all.

But then I noticed something even weirder today. As I was epilating my legs, I noticed that my right leg had more leg hairs than my left leg!!!!!

Both legs had been shaved at the same time the last time, not like I shaved my left leg first and then waited a week to shave my right one. I'm illogical.. not insane.

So given the same time span, my right leg apparently had better hair growing powers and it grew more leg hairs!!! HAHA...

Man.. I'm so weird.

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