Wednesday, September 20, 2006

DAY TWO: To accomplish bigger things in life.. you must fake an MC

Cross fingers.. hope.. pray that my boss doesn't see this post.

Well.. I'm at home.. sitting in front of my comp.. trying to force my brain to spit some code out in order to finish my database system.. and treacherous brain of mine.. is just humming to the music playing from my comp (listening to Jay's new music) and not thinking like a programmer's BRAIN!

I faked a sick day today.. ok maybe not faked entirely.. I do actually have a bad migrane resulting from my jaw clenching, not to mention aching teeth and jaw. BUT its not so bad that I couldn't go to work.. aniway.. i just wanted to stay home to finish some of personal work.. (I noe... i'm a horrible worker)

So day 2 it is! And I'll be doing my virtual lab with microsoft learning later in the afternoon to learn the tips and tricks of creating my webbie's shopping cart.. let's see.. checklist of functions I'll need for my webbie:

- login
- product / inventory management
- shopping cart
- member info
- paypal integration

and not forgetting that I haven't exactly completed my webbie layout design.. sigh sigh.. I hate designing the most.. cos I'm not really good at it and if i don't get it rite the first time it'll be too much to change it later when you're integrating the functions into it.. BLEARGH!

WATEVER!!! Time to go back to finishing up abit more of my database.. yay yay!

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