Monday, November 05, 2007

Joe Hill's Heart-shaped box.. Scary meh?

After listening to Michelle Martin's book review of Joe Hill's The Heart-Shaped Box, I was so hyped up to go get his book!

I mean she was like.. the book's so scary she had to check under the bed before she went to bed and how it was such a page turner that she couldn't put it down.. not even to sleep.

I couldn't wait to get my hands on a copy of the book since its been a while since I gave in to my reading urges. Plus, Joe Hill was Stephen King's son so obviously I thought some of the horror master's talent must have rubbed off on his kid.

Anyway.. began my hunt for the book. I had scoured 3 major bookstores for the book and they had turned me away saying that the book had SOLD OUT! This just fuelled my fervent search for the book.. I just had to get my hands on it.

Finally found it at Kino in Liang court (Figured I needed to go to a major bookstore in a obscure location... what better place than Liang Court?) And then.. began my reading..

MAN was I disappointed...

The story was fine, quite interesting albeit a little predictable. The characters were well developed and you could connect with them easily. Some new writers had a terrible way of developing realistic characters..


I was looking to be spooked outta my mind... you know.. the kind where u get jumpy in the dark.. plus it was raining heavily last night and the lightning flashing.. thunder crashing kinda setting.. perfect for the scared outta your wits scary story..

But nothing.. the ghost wasn't even that horrifying. I liked the story.. but it really wasn't that scary..

Either Michelle Martin's a total fraidy cat.. or she's embelishing the review a little too much.. I mean come on.. who the heck is going to be so-scared-i-gotta-check-under-my-bed with this book? Geez...

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