Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Super Weird Man

This morning, when I was waiting at my usual bus stop for my ride to work... I saw the Weird Man again. He was wearing his usual short sleeved button down shirt, mercilessly tucked into his ultra baggy light blue waist high jeans with a black belt to hold everything up and his trusty black haversack.

You might think that I'm a terrible person to call someone else Weird Man just cos he has a nerdy sense of dressing, but I fear you are mistaken my friend. Weird Man is not weird cos he looks like he's in dire need of a fashion makeover. Weird Man is weird because he looks like he's trying to bore a hole into my head with his vision.

Everytime I'm at the bus stop and he happens to be there, HE JUST KEEPS STARING AT ME. He doesn't even try to do it discreetly or hide it or anything.. he stares straight at me.. right at me. Even if I'm standing right behind him and out of his line of vision, he'll just turn around and then STARE, occassionally glancing away to see if the bus has arrived and then back to staring again.

I don't even dare to look at him. Its flattering when someone notices you.. but its downright creepy to the 100th degree when they stare at you unblinkingly through their dirty smudged glasses. Even if it were Brad Pitt staring at me like that, it'll still be creepy!! Ok.. maybe creepy to the 10th degree instead of the 100th degree BUT STILL CREEPY!

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