Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Time and tide wait for no bastard

Its a hormonal day today.. definitely

I usually have this thing about people being late and having to have to wait for them. My mom use to do that to me when I was a kid. I had to go for tuition classes twice a week and either one of my parents would drop me off at the tutors place and pick me up when I'm done.

If my dad was the one doing the picking.. no worries.. he'd always be there real early and I'd be able to go once lessons were over.. but my mom.. she's the worst

Its as if she really had no concept of time at all.. I usually end up waiting for her for up to half an hour to an hour, an hour being the worst ever, considering that my lessons usually end at 9.30pm and I have to wait for my parents at void deck area..

Made me feel forgotten about.. and she was never apologetic about it.. she just showed up busy doing something and drove off the moment I got in

I hate waiting for people.. esp people who are always late and think its acceptable to be.. I hate that

And today being a day where I'm hormonal.. stressed and stretched a little thin these days.. I just lost it.. I got horribly pissed with a fren... a perpetual latecomer..

And cos he never apologized about it.. blaming me for being early instead causing me to wait even longer.. I got even madder

And he criticized me after that.. for giving him attitude..

Sitting here now.. yeah.. a part of it was probably my fault.. shouldn't have gotten so anal in the first place.. but when I think back on it.. I don't think I would have done anything different..

I was only looking for an apology.. a genuine one.. not those where people just go "SORRY LAH! you happy?" Becos.. on days like this.. where I really have a lot of other things that need to be done and I'm already so tired about everything else.. I'd like to know that others are also considerate to me as I try to be considerate to others..

We're all always going to be late for some reason or the other.. and we're all going to make our frenz and family wait for us at some point of time or the other.. but it would make others feel better to know that even though you are late.. you're thinking of them and making yourself rush so they won't have to wait longer.. and that you're truly sorry for having to make them wait for you.. cos no one is SOOOOO important that you have to have others wait for you..

Time is very precious.. if you only have 24 hours of life left.. would you really wanna spend an hour of it waiting for others?

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