Saturday, July 15, 2006

Love tides

Some days back.. I was walking around Borders bookshop in town when my friend's boyfren picked up a book and started exclaiming about the accuracy of the words in the book.

The book was called the essence of venus and mars. And then he flipped through the book to a particular chapter which started off

"Women are like waves"

or something like that.. I forget.. but thats pretty much the gist of it. It described that women's emotions go through a series of highs and lows at different periods of the months and that women become very reflective of their lives and go through a time of retrospection..

And then we get all weepy and sappy and complain about this and that and blah blah blah.. and the book tells men that at that point of time.. they shouldn't try to fix anything.. becos it rarely helps..

And then women will think about how they should go about changing their lives and treat everyone else in it better.. and then set about to be more cheerful and attentive to their partners.. sweet and everything.. and that would be the high period..

And you noe wat? At some level.. the book was right..
Right now.. its probably my low-tide period.. becos for the past couple of days.. i've been thinking about my life and my future and getting all mopey and confused.. thinking about wat exactly i'm not happy about and how I should consider changing it..

Inclusive in my journey of introspection.. is my lack of enthusiasm for my better half.. who luckily for me.. is a little distracted by work to notice.. whew!

I hate going through this period.. it makes me feel less enthusiastic about having him around me.. LOVE shouldn't be like this.. it shouldn't be "I love you SUPER ALOT on Monday... but today's love is only SO SO.. " Because if thats the case.. then on those "so so" days.. we'd be wondering if there's something better out there!!

Please.. that can't be normal right? *gulp*

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