Friday, July 14, 2006

Talking to myself?

People never say what they really think or what they really feel. Then those around them will always try to second-guess exactly what's going on behind that thick skull of theirs. So.. a standard reflex action would be... DENIAL

We're always trying to deny the truth in front of others. Especially when it comes to the affairs of the heart. Even though many males out there would be shouting "Yeah yeah.. its always true about women!", if you think about it.. everyone's guilty of the same thing.. perhaps this trait is a little more obvious with the ladies because somehow.. it sometimes seem God made our hearts a little bit closer to our sleeves.. so wearing it on our sleeves seems an easier job for us..

But anyway.. like I was saying.. DENIAL..

Then again.. what's the point in denying the truth in front of others? Even if we succeed and they get off our backs on stuff.. at night when we're all alone and lying in bed.. there is still going to be another person questioning us.. and thats ourselves. Can we keep the truth from the our own selves?

I've always kinda imagined myself sitting in front of the mirror and looking at my reflection.. and then suddenly it starts talking to me and asking me "Why?" And I'd look at my own face and all the answers would suddenly surface in one expression.. We can't keep what's in our hearts from our own heart.. And can we all actually live with that? Seems like a pretty miserable life to me..

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