Monday, June 26, 2006

The online shopaholic disease

Sick.. I'm definitely sick.. suffering from a horrendous money eating, time consuming, muscle aching, eyesight destroying disease called shopaholicism..

There is no escape.. staying home will only make it worse.. going out will make u spend money.. and I CAN"T HELP MYSELF!! *cry*

This is all the fault of Taiwan Yahoo auctions!

All those girls there are really hardcore online sellers man! They take lovely photos of their wares and them WEARING their wares.. looking like models..

What's more is that them items featured are super duper cheap.. (and if you buy many many items, shipping costs are cheaper per item) so you become tempted to buy many many!

I bought this...

And I'm trying to buy this... but the seller doesn't wanna ship internationally


But there are a few major drawbacks..

1) The sellers are all taiwanese and they don't speak English.. so EVERYTHING has to be communicated in chinese

2) They DO NOT have paypal... and its so difficult to pay them.. some of them are even asking for concealed cash to be mailed to them.. sheesh..

3) Unless you buy a lot of stuff.. shipping can be expensive per item..

So there I am.. wee hours of the night.. composing my chinese emails with my half baked chinese to try and BEG the sellers to sell me their wares..
My poor bank account is really as it is described.. POOR.. as each minute ticks by..

Who noes.. I might have to be locked up in a dark room soon, wearing a straight-jacket with a wild look in my eyes.. and declared unfit to surf another auction site..


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