Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Dancing queen's dancing plant

So there I was.. had my lunch and was walking around minding my own business... when a small push cart owner (he's actually really quite short.. the top of his head probably just came up to my chin) waved me over and showed me his "WONDERFUL.. AMAZING.. MUSIC PLANT"

No seriously.. the plant dances to music! Well at least thats what he claims... which I find pretty far fetched considering that plants have no ears.. least to say a sense of rhythm

I found it so highly unbelievable that I bought the damned plant... *Hiakz*

I just wanted to see if it would do what he claimed it would do.. and maybe it might sprout SINGING FLOWERS!

So I willingly parted with my $7.50 (I only had a dollar coin left in my wallet after that.. now this is what you get when you're too lazy to go to the ATM the night before to draw money..) and bought myself a dancing plant in a soda can...

So I'm supposed to give it a "chicken rice plastic spoonful" of water everyday.. some sun tanning time.. and the moment it starts sprouting leaves.. it will wriggle its leaves when you play it music or start singing to it

Of course it could very well curl up and DIE if your singing voice sounds like nails on a blackboard.. or if you're tone deaf and sound like my teenage brother mimicking Clay Aiken in the bathroom

All in all.. we shall see if the plant dances.. and then maybe I'll bring it to Zouk on Mambo night!

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