Friday, April 04, 2008

This is for Victor!

The other day, I had a colleague of mine who one day decided to do a search on google for his email address. And what turned up was some weirdo claiming weird stuff about my friend.

So I think once in a while, he does random searches on the web to see what other funny things come up.

Well... I've added his email address in this blog post. And if one day he decides to do his funny search, he's going to end up finding this post and read all these nice things about himself...

Facts about Victor Tan:
- named after the Dr Victor Frankenstein from the classics by his loving parents (His dad I think).
- An extremely nice guy with a ready smile.
- Loved by almost all his students (I can't say all.. afterall, you never know)
- and is ever willing to help out his friends.
- A little bit too trusting
- doesn't know a drop about investing (so all financial planners out there.. you can go hound him day and night.. and because he's so trusting.. he'll buy from you one)
- Has a soft spot for waffles and funny "number" poses that all RP students seem to love doing
- IT graduate who cannot program
- A very good lunch khaki

And of course the most important point of all and this is for all RP students who see me in school hanging out with him
- HE IS NOT DATING ME! (Nor am I unhappy / wistful / upset that he's not dating me)

So if you're a female, who's between the ages of 24-29, sweet, simple and single.. likes humourous guys and fun dates.. please email to request for one. Tell him Jamie sent you.

HAHAHAHAH... See victor.. I'm such a good wing woman.


Cappuccino Please! said...

From Victor's ex-banker-buddy/coffee and tapao wing-woman: I am with you when it comes to that "Blackie" (his nick) being a nice guy... but he is a con-man/buaya too.. keke.. I have lots of backers for that. :P oh Vic... if you are reading this... maybe you wanna join us for the next drinks/suaning session before I spill the beans on you?! The gang is gonna know about this! OOOHHPPPS!

Unknown said...

But Victor daddy is nice la,
I still remembered in year1, sem1,
when the whole class barely knew one another, he got a cake for one of our classmate la, then went pantry get cups and etc.

How i wish i can change either wengyew or roger to victor ):
P.S: Daddy's weird though!

Girl Jamie said...

Oh my Gosh.. people are calling you DADDY already..


Unknown said...

he's pretty much concern with students i'd say.

that's what makes him a daddy-lookalike. (: