Friday, April 04, 2008

Centro was a disappointment

When I first saw the white coloured Palm centro in the Digital Life section of the newspapers, I was in love.

I mean what's not to love about it for a girl, especially at first sight? Small, lightweight, compact, curvy, it weighs only about 124grams, roughly 11cm by 6cm. Petite! And most of all, it was WHITE! Just like my sony ericsson W850i. Plus, it had what I always wanted, a qwerty keypad to accomodate the email and messenger functions on board. Perhaps then I can start blogging more on the road. Not that I really travel far without my laptop.

I headed over to CNET asia to read about it and so far, it seemed really promising. After all, I was no stranger to the Palm interface since I was once a user of the Palm Handheld T|X. I loved Palm's simple interface and quick reacting operating system. It looked so much more "fun" as compared to the Windows Mobile OS. Good points to note was that it was cheap ($600 bucks), easy to use, NOT WINDOWS MOBILE OS, messages were organised in chat layout kinda like the iPhone. SOOO ATTRACTIVE.

But all my dreams came crashing down when I saw that it had NO WIFI. Not even a 3G network. SO SAD. I tried to comfort myself by saying.. maybe I won't need wifi. Myabe I won't be using the internet browser so much. Maybe I could just live with checking my emails and messaging on the GPRS. And the voice beside my ear belonging to my bf kept going.. "Stop lying to yourself!"

But the stubborn streak in me reared its proud head and I refused to GIVE UP! Even though surfing on GPRS can chalk up a big sum of my mobile bill.. I was willing to live with it. As long as I liked the look and feel and usability of the Centro, I was going to buy it! So I marched my bf and myself over to Funan to look at the Centro for REAL.

And then.. my heart sank. Pretty as it was, it really was very hard to type on the phone. The buttons were too small even for the lady fingers I have here. Took me twice the time I usually would take to compose a single "Hello where are you" message on the Centro than it takes me on my SE. And the lack of wifi kinda made all those other chat and web and email functions in the phone redundant.

So now, my Centro has officially been crossed off my "possible smart phones to buy" list. Current count on list... ZERO!

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