Thursday, April 10, 2008

Introducing my new undermybudget BABY!

So happy...

After slogging for a week, my new idea is finally born.. A website to call my own.. AWWWW!

Built using MySQL and PHP, throwing in a dash of mootools and javascript, was finished in exactly a week. For the specially cool and amazing effects that make my images move around, I give my thanks to

Idea behind it, an online shopping guide to help people search for products by budget, by category or by their favourite shop! Key points here are organization, simplicity and of course shopping!

I like shopping.. but I realise that everytime I set a budget for the month, I always overspend.. ALWAYS. Which results in me looking at my bank statement at the end of every month very sadly.

So maybe, if I only look at stuff thats below the budget I set, I'm more likely to keep my spending levels at acceptable points. Right?

Haha.. please take a visit to my baby.. leave a comment.. tell me if she's pretty.. or better yet.. if she's useful

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