Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Disasters of the hairy kind - IVY at Shunji Matsuo


School is starting in a few days and I'm left high and dry with one of the worst haircuts ever. I won't say worst becos I've actually had worst.. so this is like the second WORST haircut ever!!!

I look like a freaking puffball head. STUPID IDIOTIC WOMAN at the salon turned me into some kiddy looking scrap of aunty W$$%#^UY^T#$!!!!! Now I can't even find a word for it.. thats how MIFFFEEEDDDD I am!

Seriously.. a too short fringe, loss of my sides to cover my WIDE FACE... She cut the top half of my hair so short that its fluffing up.. any experienced hairdresser knows that you can't layer thin hair too much otherwise it would POOF up..

AND.. oh my god I can't believe that there's an AND to this sentence.. AND I have weird short short hairs sticking out of my crown!!! She cut some of my hair so short that they're starting to stick out at my crown!!!

Please people.. I beg you.. If you're reading my blog and you live in SIngapore.. don't ever let that woman called IVY at Shunji Matsuo salon (Wisma Atria outlet) cut your hair.. If she even comes near you with a pair of scissors.. RUN FOR YOUR HAIR!!!!!!!!

She has a distinct problem with understanding instructions.. so either she's an idiot.. or she's got scissor-happy fingers.. I'd rather believe she's a scissor-happy idiot and a lot of other worse things..

JUST FIRE THAT BITCH LAH for goodness sakes! Even if she's a trainee.. its been years liao.. so she must suck like CRAP...

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