Friday, December 28, 2007

They always say less is more..

Less is more.. what crap!

It certainly doesn't apply to when you're trying to look for shopping companions during the post christmas sale where everything is going at 70% off!!

Grrr.. I hate that I'm only comfortable shopping with a couple of people... or that I'm so anti social these days that I prefer hanging out with very very few people.

What's wrong with me? Why have I turned into this slug that prefers to hide out at home if the handful of people she deems she's "comfortable" with is busy? I think I've lost my social skills.. SERIOUSLY!

Ever since I started this damn bloody web project, I've stopped meeting people.. stopped socializing and even stopped replying my handpone messages on time!!! I need to find myself back and I honestly honestly can't wait till this damn project is completed. I can't continue being like this anymore..

Need... to... rebuild.... my.... friendships...

God.. now I feel like crying..

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