Friday, October 17, 2008

My last goodbye

D is for the different things you've shown me. Things that have inspired me and given me strength.
E is for the experiences we've shared. Taught me how to grow and become who I am
S is for the simple joys we find together. From your favourite cheapo foods to the cooling night drives to nowhere.
M is for the many laughs. Your funny faces, silly jokes and little quirks had made my heavy heart light with mirth.
O is for the overwhelming love I felt. When we kissed, when we held hands or when I watch you sleep at night.
N is for the neverending memories. Though we've stopped making more now, they will never end for me.
And D... this D is to tell you.. don't forget me.. because.. I know I'll never forget you...

1 comment:

Dsquare said...

i won't forget...