Thursday, May 08, 2008

Why I no longer watch TV

Even with the additon of cable, TV's boring....

Which is why I no longer spend time vegging out in front of it. The programs being shown these days are less than entertaining and what's worse.. they're all re-runs or like 1-2 seasons behind ones being broadcast in the US, Japan or Korea!

So save for the Boomerang Channel (I think its channel 37) on Starhub Cable which usually shows all the old cartoons like Looney Tunes and Huckleberry Hound etc.. I go elsewhere for my "TV-fix"

Enter the age of Internet TV and bless the speediness of my broadband connection! I'm talking about the wonderful world of serial surfing on the various websites who happen to keep track of where you can watch whatever. And you don't have to download ANYTHING.. which saves you from the whole illegal downloads issue and of course precious space on your hard drive.

Right.. so onto the sites..


Discovered this site quite by accident I must say.. And have never looked back since..

Its a great site which lists all the comedies, dramas, series, cartoons etc etc and a great number of links to where you can watch the episodes.

Its even got a guide for when and what time and even which channel the shows are broadcasted in the US.

The site is basically community driven so you get alot of news and updates on the latest or upcoming seasons, the stars of the shows, polls and discussions on plots.

So if you're into English shows.. this is the place to be hanging.. Currently I'm catching up on my Grey's Anatomy Season 3, Ugly Betty, How I met your Mother and eagerly waiting for Burn Notice...



Hey hey hey.. I'm really really REALLY big on Japanese stuff.. and love watching Japanese serials from time to time.. Korean ones.. maybe occassionally when the good stuff comes around.

So you ask.. where can I learn of the latest Japanese/Korean/Taiwanese serials and get to watch them at the same time?

Come on over to!!!

They've got the latest episodes of all the serials in Japan Korea and Taiwan! And everything's subbed too.. so no worries about the language barrier.

Currently watching Tantei Gakuen Q... and eagerly waiting for Gokusen 3 there.. heehee


"Yes My Lord!"

If you're following Code Geass Season 2.. you'll know what I'm talking about... haha..

Who could ever live without anime? I mean its got fantastic, deep, intriguing, sometimes hilarious, sometimes heart wrenching and sometimes plain crazy storylines.. and 100% entertaining...

This site is fairly new and what I like about it is that they update the latest episode links fairly quickly. Eg. Bleach is usually broadcasted in Japan on Thursdays and you can catch the latest subbed episodes as early as Friday night or Saturday.

Currently following Code Geass R2 and Bleach..

And thats is why people.. I no longer watch TV..

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