Sunday, April 20, 2008

A lightbulb that can last for 16 YEARS!

I love my Phillips lightbulb.

I have a balcony in my room which uses a Phillips lightbulb. Those flourescent energy saving ones. And for the past 18 years that I've stayed in that house, I've only changed it out ONCE. And that was like 2 years ago.

What's more is that I've switched that balcony light on every single night which I sleep at home. Each night its on for at least 6 hours.
So that means the lightbulb lasted a total of 6 x 365 x 16 = 35040 hours!!

Wow.. anybody else has a lightbulb thats lasted longer than mine??

By the way, if you wanna get the bulb I'm using, its called the Master SLE-P bulb from the Ecotone range.

Like I said.. I love my Phillips lightbulb.

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